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"Bunter Hahn" - Playlist 16. August 2017 (fliedertee-radio)

verfasst von OhnelandLoewenherz(R), 16.08.2017, 22:27

The Dubliners - I Wish I Were Back in Liverpool
The Beatles - Penny Lane
Latvian Voices - Strawberry Fields
Tony Sheridan and the Beat Boys - My Bonnie
The Beatles - I'll Follow the Sun
Cilla Black - For No One
Ringo Starr - Liverpool 8
The Marginal Prophets - The leaving of Liverpool
Fiddler's Dream - Day Trip to Bangor
Christy Moore - Johnny Connors
Capercaillie - Four Stone Walls
Richard Thompson - Keep your distance
Fleet Foxes - Quiet Houses
Elvy Sukaesih - Kareta Malam
Skerryvore - Happy To Be Home
Donovan - Someone Singing
Paris Combo - Sous la Lune
June Tabor; Oysterband - The Dark End of the Street
The Furrow Collective - Wild Hog In The Woods
Steeleye Span; Sweeney's Men - The House Carpenter


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