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"Bunter Hahn" - Playlist 17. Juli 2019 (fliedertee-radio)

verfasst von OhnelandLoewenherz(R), 17.07.2019, 22:36

Ziganimo - Ominagiz
Bob Dylan - Girl from the North Country
Jacques Brel - Il Neige Sur Liège
Sam Le - Goodbye My Darling
Jaromir Nohavica - Gaudeamus igitur
Akvarium - Adelaida
Vermicelli Orchestra - Alex
Bob Dylan - North Country Blues
Sam Lee - Northlands
Gundermann - Schneegebirge
Quijote - Sonne der Gerechtigkeit
Gianmaria Testa - Polvere di Gesso
The Dubliners - Will You Come to the Bower?
Johnny Clegg, Savuka & Soweto Gospel Choir - Asimbonanga (Mandela)
Klaus Hoffmann - Die Antwort
Gryphon - Kemp's Jig
The Beatles - Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
Augustijn - Echt plastiek
Amalia - The free mind
F.J. Degenhardt - Irgendwas mach ich mal


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